Content Strategy

Make the perfect Content Strategy in just 15 minutes!

This is the perfect video if you wish to create good & worthy Content in just 15 minutes!

Content Strategy

Make the perfect Content Strategy in just 15 minutes!

This is the perfect video if you wish to create good & worthy Content in just 15 minutes!


It isn’t just about the calibre or skill-set, time management is equally important while creating content. This episode will teach you how to be quick with your content by not working strategically but also by reducing the scope of errors. Why not make the perfect content strategy in 15 minutes if you can! 



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About the Mentor

James Seubert

About the Mentor

Aakansha Mehta

Content Strategist, TECHVED CONSULTING

She studies the market trend & creates personalized Content Strategies based on user expectations.

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Browse through the most frequent questions

What Is Content Strategy?

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Content strategy is a plan of the creation, developing and delivering of useful, high-quality content that increases loyalty and brand awareness. Delivering the right content to the right audience at the right time will allow you to increase conversions and keep your customers happy. In simple words, content strategy is the process of :- Planning-Creating-Developing-Delivering.

How Do You Measure Quality Content?

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Publishers and content creators rely on many metrics to gauge content quality and effectiveness. However, audience engagement and response are more important measures of success than traffic, search engine rankings, and other quantitative measurements. When measuring content quality, what matters most is what your target audience cares about and responds to. It is not just how many people read your content but how engaged they are.

How Do you create unique content?

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Unique content is content that's created to be different from anything else found on the web. This type of content is important because it enables your website to get higher rankings in the search results. If your goal is to produce unique and readable content then there are a few tips you should follow each time you write:
- Always use multiple sources when researching.
- Avoid plagiarism , don't copy and paste from elsewhere.
- Give your text a unique structure.
- Use your own style.
- Use your own opinions, explain things how you understand them.

How Do I Find A Topic For Content ?

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The best way to choose a topic for content writing is through data on user behavior. The right subject, thoroughly researched and written, will increase traffic to your content and help you achieve your business objectives. You can achieve that and know your users behavior data by the help of many tools as :- Google Analytics -Google Trends - Google Search - Competitors Website - Topic Research Tool (SEMRush) - YouTube Search - Google Search Console.

What Questions Should You Ask As A Content Writer?

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To make sure that you will write quality content, there are main questions you may ask before starting creating your content :
- Who is the Target Audience?
- Which platform will you publish on?
- What is the nature of the content?
- What is the end goal?
- What are your limitations?
- Answering those questions will help you to get the best output for your business needs.

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