Content Strategy

Content Strategy Pro-Tips

Follow these pro-tips and you are sure to turn eyeballs with your content!

Content Strategy

Content Strategy Pro-Tips

Follow these pro-tips and you are sure to turn eyeballs with your content!


Hear it from the expert herself! Get to know the tips & tricks about the Content World from Aakansha Mehta. Know how small things can make a big difference in your content. Make sure you take a note of these pro-tips because they have been tried and tested and been proven to be helpful for many in the industry.


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About the Mentor

James Seubert

About the Mentor

Aakansha Mehta

Content Strategist, TECHVED CONSULTING

She studies the market trend & creates personalized Content Strategies based on user expectations.

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Browse through the most frequent questions

What Are The 5 Content Pillars?

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The content creation process can be divided into five main pillars that support and shape it.
1. Audience : Understanding who are they and how to interact with them.
2. Creation : Creatively making that content go farther, reach more people, and work harder than it would on its own.
3. Experience : Ensuring that the content is creating a good experience for anyone reading it.
4. Promotion : Finding the right channel(s) for distributing that content to potential customers.
5. Insight : Analyzing how that content performs, and using that information to make informed decisions about future marketing strategies.

What Is Content Styling?

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Simply, content is what you write and the information itself which you are conveying, while, style is the way in which you present that information, your word choice and other details of the writing. In other words, the Content Styling dictates standards on how the voice of the brand should be, in what context it can be communicated, and what logos, default fonts, and colors look like.

What Are The 3 Types Of Content?

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There are 3 main content types: original content creation, curating other people’s content, and creative collating.
- Original content creation is when you generate original ideas and content.
- Curation is when you surf the web and find interesting pieces of other content that you can share and comment on.
- Creative collating is when you compile interesting articles that you’ve found and add your own insights, drawing on your own personal knowledge on the subject.

Is Content Writing Easy?

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Creative content creation is not an easy task nor a rocket science. As it sounds in its name, CREATIVE content creation, means its all about using creative methods to convey your content information with strong, attractive, and easy-to-use words in order to captivate readers.

What Is A Content Strategy Framework?

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A content strategy framework is a blueprint that outlines your goals, your audience, your funnel stages, and content marketing type. This key resource can also outline the tools you’ll use, the team in charge, and the content strategies and tactics. It is the repeatable process which helps to outline a single piece of content while following the brand guidelines. In simple words, it’s a strategy that guarantees consistent and quality content.

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