AR/VR: The Emerging Technology

Changing The Game In GAMING!

Human-computer interaction and AR/VR is quickly becoming the next big step in gaming. Know how!

AR/VR: The Emerging Technology

Changing The Game In GAMING!

Human-computer interaction and AR/VR is quickly becoming the next big step in gaming. Know how!

As you know, AR and VR technology has turned the world of gaming on its head. Check out our brand-new episode where we had a chit-chat about Human-Computer Interaction and how it's important for creating more immersive gaming experiences with our industry mentor. 

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About the Mentor

James Seubert

About the Mentor

Vivek Surve

Co-Founder, Parallax Labs

He leads Product and Technology to materialize creative use-cases into tangible results.

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Browse through the most frequent questions

What is the future of VR gaming?

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The future of VR gaming is very exciting. VR gaming is only going to get better and more immersive as technology improves. We can expect to see more realistic graphics, more realistic environments, and more innovative gameplay mechanics.

How much does VR gaming cost?

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There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the VR gaming cost can vary greatly depending on the specific VR system you are using, as well as the type and number of VR games you purchase.

What was the first VR game?

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The first game that started the concept of VR games is Space Harrier 3D which used the Sega's VR-Powered Shades. The first VR game came out in 1985. Sutherland, with his student Bob Sproull, created the first virtual reality HMD, named The Sword of Damocles.

How are VR games made?

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The process of making a VR game usually starts with a concept or idea for a game. Once the idea is fleshed out, a team of developers create the game's assets, including 3D models,player character animations, textures, and environments. Next, the game's code is written using a game engine, such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Finally, the game is tested on a VR headset to make sure everything works as intended.

How is augmented reality used in gaming?

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Use of augmented reality (AR) in gaming is to superimpose computer-generated imagery on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. This can be used to create interactive games, where players can see and interact with virtual objects in their real surroundings. One popular AR game is "Pokemon Go." This game allows players to capture virtual Pokemon characters by pointing their smartphone cameras at real-world locations.

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