
Know What Market Trends Reveal About Blockchain

This episode is all about real market trends & insights.


Know What Market Trends Reveal About Blockchain

This episode is all about real market trends & insights.

A dive into the real Market Trends of Blockchain. Would you like if your database has been shared with everybody? No! But Blockchain came and disrupted all the game. In this episode, Mr. Raj Kapoor will be sharing about how Blockchain made it easy to tackle such mishaps and run marketing successfully. 

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About the Mentor

James Seubert

About the Mentor

Raj Kapoor

Founder & CEO, India Blockchain Alliance

Blockchain leader & Tech Accelerator Specialist. Has remarkably great experience in Blockchain.

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What is trending in blockchain?

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Blockchain is expected to grow rapidly, from $11.54 billion in 2022 to $162.84 billion by 2027. Some of the most trending trends in blockchain are evolution of DeFi, the growth of eco-friendly (green) blockchain, metaverse empowerment, increased demand for BaaS, NFTs, and Ricardian contracts, and more.

What is the market value of blockchain?

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The global blockchain technology market was valued at USD 5.92 billion in 2021, and it is expected to grow at 85.9% CAGR from 2022 to 2030. The increasing venture capital funding in blockchain technology companies can be attributed to market growth. The market witnessed growth amid the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.

Why is blockchain successful?

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Blockchain improves the trustworthiness, security, transparency, and traceability of data shared across a business network while also delivering cost savings through new efficiencies. By greatly reducing paperwork and errors, blockchain significantly reduces overhead and transaction costs, and reduces or eliminates the need for third parties or middlemen to verify transactions. All these benefits from blockchain makes it successful.

What is the future of blockchain?

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Despite the predictions are still a bit mixed about blockchain, the global experts launched a recent report that predicts:
-In 2022, only 10% of businesses are radically transformed using blockchain
-By 2026, $360B of business value will be added by blockchain technology
-By 2030, $3.1T of value will be added to the global economy
It is expected that blockchain technology will have a prominent presence across all sectors of the business world in the coming years, just as the internet did during the 90s and early 2000s.

Which platform is best for blockchain?

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Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchain platforms.
In June of 2016, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance was created by Etherium with 30 member companies. The members of the alliance will use Ethereum as the system of choice for developing, testing and deploying blockchain-based products and services.

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